Home KP Badgoi Top Opens Early for Tourists: An Access Point Between Kumrat and Swat

Badgoi Top Opens Early for Tourists: An Access Point Between Kumrat and Swat

The route between Swat and Upper Dir typically remains closed for five to six months during winter due to heavy snowfall, accumulating several feet deep in December and January. However, this year, the path has been cleared earlier than usual.
by Zahid Jan - 13 Jun, 2024 272

Badgoi Top, a scenic tourist destination in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Upper Dir district, has been officially opened to tourists. The Badgoi or Badawi Pass, situated at an altitude of 3,500 meters above sea level, connects the regions of Kumrat and Dir with Swat, including Kalam and Utror. This development allows tourists to travel between Kalam and Kumrat easily.

The route between Swat and Upper Dir typically remains closed for five to six months during winter due to heavy snowfall, accumulating several feet deep in December and January. However, this year, the path has been cleared earlier than usual.

Gul Akbar Kohistani, a resident of Thal Kumrat and a social worker, explained that Badgoi Top is located at the end of Lamoti Kohistan, on the border with Swat. The pass is usually closed in winter because of the heavy snowfall and only reopens in late June or July. This year, thanks to the efforts of MPA Gul Ibrahim, snow removal work began early to accommodate the summer holidays for schools, colleges, and universities in Punjab, Karachi, Peshawar, and other hot regions. With Eid-ul-Adha approaching, many citizens from across the country are expected to visit popular destinations like Kumrat, Jaz Banda, and Katora Lake.

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If Badgoi Top remained closed due to snow, tourists would have to endure a lengthy six to seven-hour trek instead of the usual two-hour journey. With a heavy mission, the district administration and the Communication and Works (C&W) Department of Upper Dir completed the emergency snow removal work on Badgoi Road, making it accessible ahead of schedule for the first time.

Kohistani emphasized that Badgoi Top itself is a tourist destination. When tourists travel to Swat, Kumrat, or Kalam, they benefit from a seamless route from Kalam to Kumrat, Dir, and back via the same road. This route is ideal for tourists from Swat to Dir and Kumrat, offering a convenient and picturesque journey.