Home Health Early Tooth Issues in Child Linked to Family Depression - Expert Insights

Early Tooth Issues in Child Linked to Family Depression - Expert Insights

Dr. Kamran highlighted the close connection between depression and dental issues, emphasizing that mental health conditions beyond teeth-related problems contribute to tooth decay.
By Naheed Jehangir - 15 Jan, 2024 2423

Muhammad Sahal, at a tender age, faced an unusual dental issue as his baby teeth emerged prematurely, accompanied by fine holes in the front tooth. Concerned, his parents sought the expertise of a hospital dentist to uncover the cause.

Sahal's mother explained that since these were not milk teeth that would naturally fall out, they consulted the doctor. Following an examination, the dentist identified two factors contributing to the fine holes in Sahal's teeth, with one major cause being teeth grinding during sleep, a trait often inherited within families.

Sahal's mother revealed that his grandfather had a history of teeth grinding during sleep, passing on the tendency to Sahal. Dentist Dr. Kamran Khan Wazir emphasized that depression manifests in dental problems, noting that patients with clean teeth and no cavities still experience breakage due to depression-related teeth grinding.

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Dr. Kamran highlighted the close connection between depression and dental issues, emphasizing that mental health conditions beyond teeth-related problems contribute to tooth decay. Individuals facing anxiety or depression often grind their teeth incessantly during sleep, leading to enamel wear down and increased tooth sensitivity, with a risk of fractures.

Moreover, Dr. Kamran pointed out that maintaining tooth cleanliness is crucial in preventing dental problems. Overbrushing, especially more than twice a day, can lead to excessively dry teeth. He recommended brushing at night before bed and seeking professional advice for both depression-related and dry tooth issues.

For treatment, Dr. Kamran suggested consulting a doctor. In cases where teeth problems are linked to depression, timely treatment can address the issue effectively. Applying a high-quality gel or glycerin after brushing can aid in cleaning teeth and preventing odor or tartar buildup, ultimately averting tooth breakage and maintaining oral health.