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Embracing Learning Disabilities

Instead of imitating others, we should realize our strength and embrace our individuality. Imitation can lead to mediocrity while embracing our true selves can help us reach our version of perfection.
By TNN - 28 Oct, 2023 2379

Seema Sabah

Indeed, Allah has created every one of us with perfection and unique strengths that set us apart from others. It's a beautiful testament to the diversity and individuality within humanity. We should embrace and celebrate these differences.

Each person may excel in different areas and have their unique strengths. It's not about being born with perfection or lacking certain attributes. We all have the special qualities that make us who we are. Instead of imitating others, we should realize our strength and embrace our individuality. Imitation can lead to mediocrity while embracing our true selves can help us reach our version of perfection.

When we talk about learning, learning in school can be challenging for kids, parents, and teachers alike. Understanding and addressing learning disabilities can make the task even more challenging for teachers. Each student in a class has different abilities. Some may excel in learning concepts, while others may have strong writing skills. Teachers need to recognize and cater to these individual strengths and weaknesses.

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Every child is born with their special talents and abilities. They have their unique strengths and weaknesses that make them truly one-of-a-kind. It's wonderful to see how each individual shines in their way. Learning disabilities pose a unique challenge for individuals of every age, whether one is a student or a parent, but understanding learning disabilities is very important for them to understand how to navigate them effectively.

In this blog, I will be sharing my knowledge and personal experiences about learning disabilities, their common types, the early signs of it, and how we can overcome it through different strategies. Learning disabilities are neurological conditions that affect our knowledge, understanding, and ability to acquire and use information effectively. If a person has any such disabilities, it will affect many areas of learning, including writing, reading, mathematics, and even social skills of a child. Learning disabilities don't mean that the child is not intelligent; it has been observed that a student with a learning disability may have an average intelligence level and, in some cases, is above average.

As per observation from teachers, it has been noticed that different teachers have different perspectives on the learning disabilities of children, and they have acknowledged that students in a single class can face various learning challenges. Teachers need to be aware of these challenges and provide appropriate support to help every student succeed.

Here are some common types of learning disabilities:


It is a learning disorder that may affect the students' reading, writing, and learning of spelling. We have several cases of dyslexia in our class. Some may find it difficult to write letters or alphabets as they may find it difficult to recognize and write them down, while others may have problems in learning phonics, which will affect their reading skills and fluency. Some are found confused in letters and words; they can't differentiate between them which consequently affects their learning process. Therefore, there is a need for appropriate support to be provided to such students who have dyslexia to overcome this disorder and make a successful journey.


The second most common type of learning disability is dysgraphia. The students who have problems writing legibly and efficiently. Students with this disorder face problems in handwriting, spelling, and organizing their thoughts on paper. The most challenging time for such students is when they are asked for letter formation or expressing their thoughts on paper.

I examined a student with dysgraphia; she had all the words that were needed in the answer but it didn't make any sense. She didn't know how to organize or structure a sentence. Another student who was very good in studies exhibited very positive study habits, but when it came to writing something, she used to forget all that was learned.


It is a disorder of learning mathematics, whether it is understanding mathematical concepts, solving equations, or performing calculations. In this disorder, the person feels confused with numbers. Just like dysgraphia, dyscalculia requires support and accommodations to help individuals overcome their difficulties and succeed in math-related activities.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

this disorder is also known as ADHD, such children and adults lack attention, concentration, staying organized, and controlling impulsive behavior. However, the students with ADHD can't focus and concentrate, yet they are blessed with some unique strengths and talents that are rarely found. Several students in the class in Pre-Primary have been observed, who have ADHD. They do not concentrate on what the teacher is teaching them, but it is also surprising to see them with some extra talent and skills. Teaching such students requires some special strategies, attention, and understanding, they can thrive and succeed in various areas of their lives if they get the right support at the right time.

Recognizing these disabilities at an early age is crucial for providing timely support. Parents and teachers need to be more vigilant at this early stage of children's learning, to observe the signs of any kind of disorder in the child, whether that is difficulty in reading, writing, spelling, mathematical numbers, formation of ideas, or if the child is struggling with memory. It is best to report it earlier and provide a proper assessment to make improvements.

The best solution is early identification and intervention; after knowing about these disorders, specialized educational programs, or individualized educational plans can be tailored to fulfill the specific needs of the child. In addition, accommodation and modification can also work effectively. Besides all this, parental support plays a crucial role in advocating for their children's needs, with the collaboration of the educators and providing emotional support to them. Building their self-esteem is a very effective technique to overcome these challenges or learning disabilities.

No challenge is insurmountable if we believe in ourselves and embrace our unique strengths. By raising awareness and fostering a more inclusive educational system, we can create a brighter future for individuals with learning disabilities.