Home Blogs,Climate Pakistan's Agriculture Abandonment: A Threat to Food Security and Climate Resilience

Pakistan's Agriculture Abandonment: A Threat to Food Security and Climate Resilience

Failure to take action may exacerbate food insecurity and environmental degradation in the country.
By TNN - 26 Apr, 2023 2358

Ihsan Afridi

Pakistan has been facing food insecurity and the threat of climate change for years, despite being an agricultural country. A lack of agricultural modernization, soil erosion, water scarcity, and a rising population have all contributed to this problem. However, the recent trend of abandoning agriculture and changing land use from agricultural to housing societies is only exacerbating the issue.

Farmers are abandoning agriculture due to challenges such as a lack of modernization, shortage of resources, and the high cost of fertilizers and pesticides. The rising population and increasing demand for land have also made it more profitable for farmers to sell their land to housing societies. Climate change has also played a role in farmers abandoning agriculture.

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The consequences of abandoning agriculture and changing land use from agricultural to housing societies are severe and far-reaching. The most significant consequence is food insecurity. Pakistan is already facing food shortages, and abandoning agriculture will only exacerbate the problem.

Another consequence is the loss of livelihoods for millions of people who depend on agriculture for their income. Additionally, the conversion of agricultural land to housing societies has environmental consequences such as the loss of natural resources.

To stop the trend of abandoning agriculture and changing land use from agricultural to housing societies, Pakistan needs to take urgent measures. This includes modernizing agriculture, providing incentives to farmers, and protecting agricultural land by enacting laws and regulations.

Failure to take action may exacerbate food insecurity and environmental degradation in the country.