Home KP 595 Vehicles Registered Illegally: Foreigners Exploit Pakistan’s ID System

595 Vehicles Registered Illegally: Foreigners Exploit Pakistan’s ID System

According to an investigation report by the Federal Ministry of Interior, over 53,000 dubious identity cards have been issued to foreigners.
by TNN Editor - 10 Jun, 2024 120

A startling revelation has emerged that 595 vehicles in Pakistan have been illegally registered using suspicious identity cards of foreigners. According to an investigation report by the Federal Ministry of Interior, over 53,000 dubious identity cards have been issued to foreigners.

The investigation uncovered that 349 benami properties and businesses are registered in the names of foreigners. These cases have been forwarded to the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for further investigation. 

Additionally, legal cases have been prepared against 7,500 individuals holding fake IDs, who will face legal action. This includes blocking their identity cards and mobile phone SIMs and acting against their businesses and properties.

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The Ministry of Interior has completed investigations into 2,343 suspicious bank accounts held by Afghans in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. The government has also decided to repatriate illegal Tajik citizens currently residing in the country, while deliberations are ongoing regarding students from Afghan madrassas.

The minutes from a recent meeting discussing the progress of this initiative's first and second phases indicate that there is a directive to expedite the second phase of the repatriation process for foreigners.