Home Climate Environmental Pollution Rising in Tribal Areas: Urgent Action Needed

Environmental Pollution Rising in Tribal Areas: Urgent Action Needed

Environmental pollution is now increasingly affecting tribal areas previously known for their clean and pollution-free climate.
by Mehrab Shah Afridi - 06 Jun, 2024 231

Environmental pollution is now increasingly affecting tribal areas previously known for their clean and pollution-free climate. The rise in pollution can be attributed to increased transportation, the excessive use of explosives from the war on terror, and the establishment of industries. These factors are having a detrimental impact on the environment.

Local journalists Rahat Shinwari and Khalil Gibran have noted that the tribal areas, located at high altitudes above sea level, once boasted an ideal climate. However, there are currently no measures to protect the environment from pollution or safeguard the health of the local population. Public awareness programs are notably absent. Deforestation and the alleged intentional setting of fires have left the once lush mountains of the Tirah Valley barren and dry.

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Officials from local social organizations emphasize that a clean environment is essential for the protection of human life. They point out that water is a basic necessity, yet there are no provisions for water storage. Constructing quality rain dams and creating lakes in areas with abundant water flow could help store water, raise the underground water table, and positively impact the environment.

Political leaders argue that due to the incompetence of corrupt officials, development work is stalled in tribal areas, leaving residents deprived of basic human needs. While new departments have been established following the merger, their efficiency is negligible. The mountains in Landi Kotal and Jamrud have been leveled in various places, increasing pollution. Additionally, dust from crushing machines is causing health issues among nearby residents. The Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Consumer Affairs have ignored these concerns, which is alarming.