Mehrab Shah Afridi
A female SDEO (Sub-District Education Officer) residing in Landikotal, Khyber district, was tragically killed by unknown individuals. The police have confirmed that the SDEO of Landikotal was stabbed to death in Merikhel last night. The victim, identified as Rizwana, hails from Bannu district.
Local sources report that Rizwana, who worked at Merikhel Girls Primary School, lived in the area with her husband and children. Following the incident, the police transferred the dead body to the Landikotal District Headquarters Hospital in a Rescue 1122 Ambulance. A post-mortem examination will be conducted, after which the body will be released to the family.
Meanwhile, the police have initiated an investigation into the matter. It has been discovered that the woman's husband and their four children are mysteriously missing after the murder.
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SP Investigation Zia Hasan of Khyber District Police visited the crime scene to probe the killing of Rizwana Shaheen, an assistant education officer who was fatally stabbed at Landikotal Merikhel School.
Speaking to the media in Landikotal, he stated that the investigation into the incident involving Rizwana Shaheen's murder is ongoing, and they are determined to apprehend the actual culprits soon.
While preliminary investigations suggest that domestic violence might be a possible motive, the police will conduct a thorough investigation utilizing modern forensic techniques. A specialized police investigation team has arrived at the crime scene and has begun the inquiry.