In Peshawar, a recent reduction in flour prices has not only brought relief to the city's residents but also left flour dealers feeling content. The price of a 20 kg bag of mixed flour has been lowered by Rs 100 to Rs 2,650 in markets like Rampura Gate and others.
Similarly, fine flour prices have seen a Rs 50 reduction, bringing a 20 kg bag to Rs 2,800. Consequently, this price drop has had a positive impact on the cost of 80 kg bags as well.
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Flour dealers have reported that the market is currently well-stocked, and there is potential for further price reductions in the coming days. With these reduced prices, customers are flocking back to the markets, driving increased buying and selling activity.
It's worth noting that Peshawar supplies a significant quantity of flour to neighboring districts daily, and this price drop is also positively affecting the cost of flour in these areas. The recent decrease in petroleum product prices has had a ripple effect on various essential commodities, including flour, earning it a warm reception among the public.