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Remembering Taskin Zafar: The Voice That Echoed Through Generations

Taskin, known for her beautiful voice and impeccable diction, left an indelible mark on anyone who heard her on PTV and Radio Pakistan.
by Naheed Jehangir - 12 Jun, 2024 315

Meeting someone who has been your idol, someone you've watched on TV and listened to on the radio since childhood, is a surreal experience. This was exactly the case in August 2022 when I met the famous Radio Pakistan broadcaster and PTV newscaster Taskin Zafar in Islamabad. Taskin, known for her beautiful voice and impeccable diction, left an indelible mark on anyone who heard her on PTV and Radio Pakistan.

During our conversation, Taskin Zafar shared a profound insight: she dedicated herself to mastering her national language, Urdu, rather than focusing on English. She believed in the importance of correctly pronouncing and honoring Urdu, a sentiment she upheld throughout her illustrious career.

Tragically, Taskin Zafar passed away on June 9 in Rawalpindi after a prolonged illness at the age of 67. In-person, she was just as composed and articulate as she appeared on screen, her words always touching the heart and mind.

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To gain deeper insights into Taskin Zafar's personality, I reached out to Bashree Iqbal, a renowned journalist and radio broadcaster from Islamabad. Although Bashree didn't have many opportunities to work closely with Taskin, their paths crossed frequently due to their association with the same organization. Bashree admired Taskin's strong work ethic and her zero tolerance for mediocrity. Despite her firmness, Taskin always communicated with a gentle and sweet tone.

One of Taskin's standout qualities was her politeness and calm demeanor. Bashree noted that while she, coming from Radio Pakistan FM, spoke relatively quickly, Taskin's slower, deliberate speech was captivating.

Taskin's grace extended beyond her voice; she was also known for her stylish presence. She often wore jewelry such as a nose ring and small necklaces, setting a trend that many women of her era followed.

Taskin Zafar was honored with the Presidential Award for Excellence in 2023 and received numerous accolades throughout her career. Her ability to connect with audiences and speak from the heart was unparalleled.

On June 9, the world lost the beautiful voice of Taskin Zafar, and she was laid to rest in Rawalpindi. Her legacy, however, continues to inspire and resonate with many.