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The Dark Side of Whitening Creams: Hidden Dangers and Lasting Damage

Dermatologists warn that these formula creams reduce or even eliminate melanin, the natural pigment that gives skin its color.
By Raynaz - 11 Jun, 2024 774

"Your skin will turn white in just three days." "Want to be blonde too?" "Fair complexion in just three days." "Check out this beauty cream." You've likely heard these claims before. Every time we turn on the TV, we are bombarded with commercials for bleaching creams.

If one channel is airing an advertisement for a formula cream, you can be sure another channel is running a commercial for a different one. This issue extends beyond TV to radio as well. One host on one channel will enthusiastically praise a product, while another on a different channel will sing the praises of a rival product.

Stepping outside, we encounter advertisements for whitening creams plastered on various walls. It seems every company is loudly promoting their formula creams.

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But while these products are heavily advertised, have the users of these creams ever considered their potential drawbacks? How harmful can they be to the skin? What are the side effects? Unfortunately, our younger generation is fixated on becoming fair-skinned. Their sole focus is achieving a lighter complexion, without considering the potential risks.

It's natural for humans to want to look attractive, beautiful, and particularly fair. To fulfill this desire, many turn to various bleaching creams. Nowadays, it's become fashionable for almost everyone to apply whitening cream to their face before bed. The cream stays on their skin all night, leading to various damages. Over time, their skin can end up looking burned.

There are several disadvantages to using these bleaching creams. Dermatologists warn that these formula creams reduce or even eliminate melanin, the natural pigment that gives skin its color. The use of these creams can cause the skin to turn red and then dark. In severe cases, these creams can even lead to skin cancer.

Moreover, dermatologists note that mercury is often an ingredient in these formula creams. Mercury is a highly toxic substance that can severely damage the nervous system, kidneys, and skin.

I have personally seen many girls who have used these whitening creams. They regret it deeply because the chemicals in these creams have ruined their skin. They are at a loss on how to heal their damaged skin.

These affected individuals are now consulting various dermatologists to treat their skin conditions. Unfortunately, the damage from these bleaching creams is often so severe that healing becomes a prolonged and difficult process.

For God's sake, stop using these formula creams. Consider their side effects before applying them. Remember, these creams might give you a fairer complexion for a few days, but the damage they cause can be long-lasting. We need to stop using them for our skin's health.