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Understanding Generation Z: The Digital Natives of Our Time

Generation Z is the first generation to grow up with the internet. We've never known a world without it, and this has had a profound impact on us.
By Sundas Behroz - 23 Jul, 2024 1030

From 1900 to 2024, humanity has been categorized into different generations based on birth years. Those born before 1928 are known as the Greatest Generation, while those born between 1928 and 1945 are referred to as the Silent Generation. The Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964, followed by Generation X, who came into the world between 1965 and 1980. Millennials, also known as Generation Y, were born between 1980 and 1996.

Next in line is our generation, Generation Z, which includes those born from 1997 to 2010. The youngest generation to date is Generation Alpha, born from 2010 to 2024.

Today, I'll be focusing on my generation, Generation Z. Each generation has its unique cultural identity, and Generation Z is no exception.

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Generation Z is the first generation to grow up with the internet. We've never known a world without it, and this has had a profound impact on us. Our familiarity with technology from a young age has earned us the nickname "digital natives." Compared to Millennials, Generation Z is more informed and aware not only of what is happening around us but also of global events.

Living through significant global challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and rapid climate change, has made Generation Z very realistic. We are currently between 14 and 27 years old, and unlike previous generations, we face considerable economic pressures at a young age. This has made us acutely aware of the need for financial stability and has driven many of us to pursue it relentlessly.

Unlike previous generations who often preferred stable, long-term employment, Generation Z is keenly interested in freelancing. We enjoy the flexibility of setting our schedules and working independently rather than being tied to a single organization for years.

However, our heavy reliance on technology, especially mobile phones, has downsides. Many of us experience increased stress and anxiety, a significant adverse effect of our digital habits.

While previous generations enjoyed morning walks, reading books, and evening strolls, Generation Z's hobbies often include playing video games and surfing the internet. We have a broader awareness of the world and prioritize self-care, understanding that our well-being is crucial for contributing to society.

Generation Z knows that personal growth and independence are vital. We are focused on becoming self-reliant, knowing that by improving ourselves, we can better help others.

In conclusion, Generation Z stands out for its deep connection with technology, realistic outlook on life, and a strong drive for financial stability and personal independence. Our unique experiences and challenges shape us into a distinct and influential generation.