Home Climate,KP Devastating Floods Wreak Havoc in Kailash Valley, Chitral

Devastating Floods Wreak Havoc in Kailash Valley, Chitral

Despite the dire situation, residents miraculously managed to save their lives.
By TNN - 22 Jul, 2023 2428

Gul Hammad Faruqui

Rain has wreaked havoc in the Kailash Valley of Chitral, causing significant damage to properties and livelihoods. During the night, sudden heavy rains flooded the storm drains, leading to disastrous consequences for the residents.

Kailashgram village experienced the worst destruction, as floodwaters inundated houses and resulted in damage to six houses and property. Despite the dire situation, residents miraculously managed to save their lives.

The impact of the flood extended beyond homes, as Rumbur Road has now turned into a pile of debris, leading to the closure of the Baladesh-Dodolat Road. Moreover, both Rumbur power plants suffered damage from the flood, exacerbating the challenges faced by the community.

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The heavy rain has left people in distress, as essential services like electricity, drinking water, and transportation routes have been severely affected. Water mills, irrigation channels, fruit gardens, and almost ripe standing crops have also been submerged.

In Kailashgram village, the houses of Ghulam Hussain, Sayal Muhammad, Ajab Khan, Kari Khan, Rehmatullah, Sham Noor, and Feroze Zar were completely destroyed, fortunately without any loss of life. Additionally, the hotels of Jahanuddin, Konsal Khan, and Rustam Shah in Balangero village suffered partial damage.

The Kailash Valley community is facing a challenging situation, with people unable to return to their homes and pedestrian paths blocked. Immediate relief efforts and support are needed to help the affected residents cope with the aftermath of the devastating flood in the region.